Veteran Vespa Club is the trading name of VVC (UK)LTD
A Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England under number 07075808. Registered Office: 29 Bucks Avenue, Watford WD19 4AR. The Veteran Vespa Club, it's officers and officials accept no liability in respect of loss or damage occasioned directly or indirectly as a result of the publication of Veteran Vespa Club Journal or website. It is a matter for each individual to satisfy themselves as to the suitability of any course, facility, advice or product (including machinery and clothing) offered by clubs, venues, landowners, advertisers or manufacturers and for such individuals to ensure that adequate insurance and medical arrangements have been made to protect their interest with regard to any activity undertaken. Copyright of all information & photos on this site belong to Veteran Vespa Club.
For problems or questions regarding this website contact the Web Manager.
Members’ Data Protection
This content is restricted to VVC Members only. If you are an existing member with a current VVC Membership, you will first need to register, subsequently simply log in. New VVC Members may register below. All registration applications will then be manually checked against the current membership directory. You will be notified when your account is activated.
Data Collection
As a member we will ask you to provide some data about yourself. Some fields are required as these enable us to communicate with you, these include Name, Address, and date of joining, other fields such as email and telephone numbers are optional. The data is stored on a secure server at Membermojo The Membership Mojo organisation have provided the club with a detailed statement as to how the system complies with the
Data Protection Regulations
The following club officials have access to this data:
• Club Membership Secretary
• Club Treasurer
• Club Web Manager
• Club Chairman
How we use the data The data provided enables us to communicate with you this may be in the form of email, or post if email is not available. These emails are generated directly from the above web server and your data is not downloaded (exception below), although these can be group emails no other member will see your address. The data is downloaded by the membership secretary at the time a club journal is being produced. Only your Name and address is extracted from this data and forwarded to the printer. This downloaded data is not stored on a personal computer hard drive
Your Rights
You have the right to be removed from the database, this could affect your membership. You can log onto the membership site yourself (see web site guide) this enables you to see what data we have stored, this should only be data you have provided You can also change your data anytime during your membership, such as if you move house or change your email address, only you and the Administrators have access to your data for these purposes.
The privacy of your data is important to us. Under GDPR we require your consent to keep and maintain personal data. If you do not wish your data to be used as above please contact the club, otherwise we will assume consent.
1. Name
The trading name of the club is Veteran Vespa Club.
2. Purpose
Its purpose is to encourage and support the preservation, restoration and use of classic Vespa scooters, ie all 2-stroke gear-change models.
3. Ownership
It is owned and operated by VVC.UK Ltd, a company limited by guarantee. A managing committee made up of members appointed by the Board, including the three Directors of VVC.UK Ltd, will administer the club of behalf of its members. 3.1 All Managing Committee members will be appointed by the Directors pursuant to the Memorandum and Articles of Association. 3.2 The club is recognised by the Vespa Club of Britain.
4. Membership
Membership of the Veteran Vespa Club is open to anyone aged 18 or over with an interest in classic Vespas, whether or not they own one. 4.1 There are three categories of membership: Single, Family and non UK/Overseas 4.2 All membership applications are subject to the approval of the Managing Committee, which reserves the right to refuse or cease membership if this is considered to be in the interests of the club. 4.3 Honorary Membership is reserved for individuals who have a made a significant contribution to the Veteran Vespa Club, and requires agreement from the membership. 4.4 Members will be eligible to attend and vote at the club’s annual general meeting.
5. Membership Benefits
5.1 Members will receive a club journal (currently published quarterly), plus access to the club’s website for news, technical advice and other information. 5.2 Members will also be eligible for any discounts made available by retailers for the club’s organised events. 5.3 The Managing Committee will organise at least two events each year for members, retaining the ambiance and style of 1950’s scootering. Although primarily social occasions, members are encouraged to ride, display and promote their classic Vespas. 5.4 The club will organise a shop for members with a selected stock of clothing, club memorabilia, cog badges and general regalia items.
6. Liability
In as far as the Directors are able, some of the liabilities of the company arising from the club’s day-to-day activities are protected by a policy issued by the British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF). The club’s organised events enjoy specific liability cover from the Auto-Cycle Union (ACU) on a per-event basis. 6.1 The Veteran Vespa Club, its officers and committee members accept no liability in respect of them performing any of their obligations in the running of the club/company. It is a matter for each individual to satisfy themselves as to the suitably of any course, facility, advice or product (including machinery and clothing) offered by venues, landowners, advertisers or manufacturers and for such individuals to ensure that adequate insurance and medical arrangements have been made to protect their interest with regard to any activity undertaken. 6.2 Club events will have insurance arranged as befits the nature and exposure of the occasion. Where appropriate, the Veteran Vespa Club buys cover from the ACU in the form of a permit. The current permit procedure should be followed and is available from the General Secretary. 6.3 It is the responsibility of all riders to ensure that the machine they intend to use on the ride out is in roadworthy condition. In the event that the scooter becomes un-roadworthy during the course of the ride it must be taken out of use. It will be collected by a backup vehicle if available or the rider can call their own break down service. Typically issues that can make a scooter unfit for use is: Brake failure, clutch failure, fuel Leaks & cable failure such as; clutch, brake, gear selector, throttle (often these can be fixed by the road side)
In the event that a machine is seen to be un-roadworthy and the rider continues to use it they will be asked to stop riding and deal with the problem in the most appropriate way. Any rider continuing to use an unfit machine will be considered as not part of the ride out, this is necessary to maintain the standing and liabilities of the club.
7. The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors will conduct the proceedings of the club in accordance with the Articles of Association, including financial accounting. There will be a maximum of three directors, with the Finance Director acting as Club Treasurer and the Company Secretary acting as club General Secretary. Only one director will seek election at each AGM in order to maintain continuity.
8. General Meetings
All General Meetings will be in accordance with the Articles of Association.
9. Complaints
Any member is entitled to complain about anything over which the Veteran Vespa Club has control to any member of the Managing Committee in writing. 9.1 The Managing Committee will determine any action needed and notify the complainant of their decision.
10. Closure
In the event of the membership deciding that the club should close down, the Directors of VVC.UK Ltd would look to support the members’ decision and realise the company's assets, the proceeds of which, together with any funds held, would be used to make a charitable donation to the National Motorcycle Museum or some other registered charity of the Directors’ choice.
16th October 2010 amended 27th June 2017/17th. December 2021