Kickstarting the 2019 season

Wasps riders and Kickstart organisers gathering before the off at the London Eye - March 10th

Wasps riders and Kickstart organisers gathering before the off at the London Eye - March 10th

You can tell it’s spring as there is definitely more happening and with a little coercing and encouragement, more of you are beginning to send in items for our News page. The winter break is never a complete break as far as scooter events go; what with Scooterist Meltdown in Kalkar, Germany and smaller events like Mostra Scambio’s at C-MINE in Genk.

Closer to home, VVC web manager, Alan Springall has been out and about braving a wet Kettering for the Wicksteed Parts Fair and a very blustery London, for the Kickstart rideout from the London Eye to Hoxton.

Kickstart riders gathering Thameside at the London Eye.

Kickstart riders gathering Thameside at the London Eye.

Wicksteed Parts Fair, Kettering - March 3rd

Wicksteed Parts Fair, Kettering - March 3rd

Alan reported numbers were down compared to previous years but the very windy conditions may have played their part in that. Alan chose not to journey to Hoxton, taking cover instead on his PX with a few other riders in the tunnel under the Waterloo rail link. The tunnel walls acting as an ever changing canvas for graffiti artists with not a square inch of wall space left undecorated..


Photos by Alan Springall.

Thanks to Alan ; )

Anyone else venturing out to rallies and events; if so inclined, please email me a few words and hi-res photos -