Phillip Gabb

Richard Gabb gingerly steering, while father Phillip takes aim and shoots, at the VVC 3-Gear Day - 21.8.16.Photo by Paul Hart.

Richard Gabb gingerly steering, while father Phillip takes aim and shoots, at the VVC 3-Gear Day - 21.8.16.

Photo by Paul Hart.

Regrettably, we have to report the passing of another regular at VVC events. Philip Gabb could be seen accompanying son Richard at many a VVC rally; taking up his position as pillion, with Richard on riding duties - during rideouts… and gymkhanas!

VVC Chairman Roger Smith has written the following words:

“2020 could well become an Annus Horribilis that we certainly don’t want to remember. If the dreaded virus wasn’t enough, already this year we have had the death of David Smith, a prominent VCB enthusiast and former treasurer of VVC. Then Chuck Swonnell the legend, and now just last week, Phillip Gabb.

Phillip (86) will always be remembered as pillion, with his son Richard upfront, and their presence at VVC events was the norm. Phillip would do the socialising while Richard would be last seen spanner in hand. Only last September the duo were riding up at Bamburgh with the VVC. It was after getting home that Phillip became hospitalised with complications of his leukaemia. He kept fond memories of the VVC by regularly watching VVC event DVDs from his bed. Alas Phillip lost his battle but won a place in our memories as a gentleman and lovely guy.”

Roger Smith

Phillip on the back of Richard’s silver Vespa PX at last year’s VVC Bamburgh event - still from Alan Springall’s Bamburgh DVD.

Phillip on the back of Richard’s silver Vespa PX at last year’s VVC Bamburgh event - still from Alan Springall’s Bamburgh DVD.

Richard and Phillip taking an afternoon tea break during the Bamburgh weekend - still from Alan Springall’s Bamburgh DVD.

Richard and Phillip taking an afternoon tea break during the Bamburgh weekend - still from Alan Springall’s Bamburgh DVD.

Phillip waving for the camera while Richard keeps his eyes on the road! Still from Alan Springall’s Bamburgh DVD.

Phillip waving for the camera while Richard keeps his eyes on the road! Still from Alan Springall’s Bamburgh DVD.

Our condolences to Richard at this sad time; we hope to see you back as soon as possible at the next VVC event Richard.

Thanks to Roger and Alan Springall.

Richard Gabb’s beautifully restored Douglas Vespa 92L2 at the VVC 3-Gear Day - 21.8.16.Photo by Paul Hart.

Richard Gabb’s beautifully restored Douglas Vespa 92L2 at the VVC 3-Gear Day - 21.8.16.

Photo by Paul Hart.