#Stay Home... and meet the committee

The one on the doc.png

Club membership secretary, Martin Sambrook, reports on the first ever virtual VVC meeting, held today…

In the spirit of these unusual times that we find ourselves in, the Veteran Vespa Club held it’s first ever virtual committee meeting via Zoom today - yes, we may share a passion for all things vintage and Vespa but never let it be said that we don’t embrace the cutting edge of technology! Okay, so a few of us did need some guidance.

Throughout the year the VVC committee members meet to discuss a variety of club matters, aspects such as the Accounts, Membership, Social Media, Journal, Website, Events, The Shop and the Secretary's report. It’s a great opportunity to meet up and share ideas about the club and brainstorm future opportunities.

If you would like to meet the committee and put a face to a name then here’s a snapshot of the meeting in progress:

Screenshot 2020-05-10 at 13.17.02.png

Top Row: David Ball (General Secretary), Martin Sambrook (Membership Secretary), Richard Vickery - not Sandra! (Club Shop Manager)

Middle Row: Alan Springall (Website Manager), Roger Smith (Chairman), Lotta & Paul Hart (Journal Editor - Paul, not Lotta the German Shepherd)!

Bottom Row; Peter Hanman (Club Event Support), Bob & Joan Toohey (Treasurer)

We all agreed that the meeting went really well and maybe this is something we should use more often. We were also lucky enough to be intermittently joined by a few fluffy guests - Richard’s cat and Paul’s dog.

Did you know that you an also add a virtual background in Zoom ? That’s me with a Torbay background, dreaming of the VVC Rally.

Thanks to the committee for joining the Zoom call and navigating the technology.

Martin Sambrook.

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