Rice and Dirt - Across Africa on a Vespa


I’ve just finished reading this book. I never know what to say when asked what I want for Xmas, but last year this book was definitely it. Niall at Retrospective Scooters had told me about Rice and Dirt, published in August 2018, and recommended it. Currently a little flat; as with all excellent books I didn’t want this story to finish and now its ended I have a feeling of loss...

I love a good scooter travel story and couldn’t rate Stergios Gogos’ account more highly. Written by Alexandra Fefopoulou, it is a combination of interviews with Stergios, reading his journals of the trip and her own recollections of travelling with Stergios. Disenchanted and frustrated with his life at home in Greece, Stergios sets out to cross Africa from north to south. This is much more than another travel story and touches regularly on questions of humanity in all its forms from warmth, kindness and generosity through to prejudice, violence and racism. Stergios comes across angry at the world; from his prior life to what he sees and experiences along the way often explains this but he also finds solace, comfort and shelter in some of the most unexpected places and situations along the way. It is also in part a love story - it is heartwarming, sad, frightening at times but more than anything reading it is good for the soul and in the current times we are all in need of food for our souls - I urge you all to read it..!

You can order a copy on Amazon (UK) for £9.99 - here


You can also visit Stergios and Alexandra’s website here - www.worldvespa.net