Patrick Albregts’ very impressive collection - I’d half expect to pay an entry fee to view this lot! Patrick’s newly delivered SCOOTERS illuminated wall sign visible on back wall, along with some very nice period posters and signage.
Patrick Albregts is one of the club’s very few US members and as you can see is what you could call a serious collector! Fortunately, Patrick not only is happy to show what he has but is also happy to impart his knowledge on the various models he owns. Most recently he contributed a very nice article on his recently acquired 1951 Allstate Vespa (JOURNAL No.80). In the next issue of the JOURNAL (No.82), due out at the end of January, Patrick tells us all about his super rare 1953 Model U; possibly the only one within the club I’d wager.
Something to look forward to in the New Year!