Vespa Nativity


While attending the dinner following the VVC Annual General Meeting back in October, I was presented with the following artifact by the well travelled and multi lingual, C.Spavento - a cultured member of veritable good taste and humour! He was somewhat intrigued and curious to know what I thought of his ceramic ornament..?


Not by any means an expert, it was apparent to me the ceramicist had displayed Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, not on a donkey but a Vespa of course! The Capitan had been given the mini sculpture in the same way many of us are; when family and friends, knowing our passion for all things Vespa, bestow all manner of Vespa related objects and paraphernalia upon us!


The origin of the decorative piece was not known but as luck would have it, I was able to enlighten our friend. The word “Caltagirone” has delicately been painted below what we think is most likely the name of the artist. Back in 2007 I visited Sicily with my wife for two weeks, we stayed at an agriturismo (farm stay - Italian equivalent to French Gite or agricultural holiday rental) not far from Ragusa. We flew into Catania, collected a hire car before driving to our agriturismo, taking in Siracusa, Noto, Ragusa Ibla, Comiso and Piazza Armerina among other beautiful towns and cities - Sicily being the largest island in the Mediterranean is huge (invaded by just about every major civilisation and culture the world has known); you would need to stay at least a month or two just to scratch its surface. Also during our stay, we ventured to the small town of Caltagirone - famous for its vast steep flight of steps, each one ornately covered with ceramic tiles decorated by the local ceramic artists. Lining the impressive staircase are many tiny shops that are home to the local artisans producing all manner of ceramics - plates, cups, vases, bowls etc… and Nativity themed Vespas it would seem!


The AGM dinner was not only a very enjoyable evening but doubly satisfying for C.Spavento and I in putting to bed the mystery and origins of his mini artwork. I actually quite like it - novel and not your usual Vespa “tut”!

Scalinata di Santa Maria del Monte - Caltagirone, Sicilia.

Scalinata di Santa Maria del Monte - Caltagirone, Sicilia.


Inspired, the Captain thought we should see whether other VVC members have any unusual Vespa oddities, ornaments, fridge magnets, toys, garments or even packaging displaying Vespas to sell said items, in their possession - hidden away at the back of a drawer or proudly on display on a shelf, sideboard or mantelpiece etc…? So there’s a challenge for you all, let’s see what you have - the more unusual, the better! The idea of a prize was mooted for the most interesting and unusual item - it’s possible I guess depending on what kind of response we get… Please email me your photos and a few words about your Vespa item to

I’m very thankful to C.Spavento for his regular contributions to the Journal and this News Page - creative not just when it comes to writing but also a man with good ideas, or is that too much time on his hands ; )