SIP Stop

Photo by Moritz Kohrs

Photo by Moritz Kohrs

VVC members, Warren Jopson and Roger Smith, have now returned from their trans-europe ride to Zanka in Hungary, for World Vespa Days. On the return leg, by chance their journey took them through Landsberg am Lech, home to SIP Scootershop. Monday June 10th, when they called in, unbeknown to them was a bank holiday in Germany and the place was deserted.

After peering in at the windows for a bit and taking some photos, they were about to leave when luckily for them SIP’s Purchasing Manager, Moritz Kohrs, came out the building as he was working. Moritz was very accommodating and proceeded to show Roger and Warren around the vast SIP HQ building for the next hour and a half, which houses their warehouse, sorting and packing operations, offices, workshop, PR and photography, shop/showroom and Siperia bar cafe all under one huge roof! Moritz also obliged the pair with a now obligatory photo in front of the concrete SIP logo sculpture, for visiting scooterists - vielen dank Moritz ; )

Roger will soon embark on writing up a report of their WVD experience for the next issue of the JOURNAL, due out end of July.