SIP Scootershop at ESC Vespa Race Harzring Sept. 2020

Jesco getting his knee down..

Jesco getting his knee down..

“2020 hasn’t exactly been the best year for Vespa and Lambretta events. Everything, including the race series for geared scooter has been affected by Covid. The DBM Sprint racing has been cancelled altogether for 2020. The ESC circuit racing has fared slightly better and all in all three race meetings were actually held.

The European Scooter Challenge ESC returned to the traditional and popular Harzring track for the last race of this year’s championship. Reason enough for SIP to travel there with a camera-team and a racing scooter.” - Jesco Schmitt (SIP)

Read Jesco’s report in full on SIP’s website - here


View full album of photos here on SIP’s Flickr.

Thanks to Ralf Jodl at SIP for sharing ; )
