If bling’s your thing you’ll like this GS160 MK1, currently in the care of Owen Evans, a relatively new club member who I had the pleasure of meeting at last October’s AGM in Leamington Spa, along with his wife Sue. Back then Owen was telling me he had a couple of Vespa models that may interest me. We eventually got together in the Essex countryside during the latter half of May. Being outside with lots of space, social distancing was not a problem.
This GS is a bit of a celebrity having featured in the All or Nothing Mod musical and was a regular fixture on stage. It’s wearing a lot of silverware as you can see in the images below..
The GS belongs to the show and Owen is looking after it for them as they are short on storage space. There were two other Vespa models Owen showed me when we met up, both belonging to him and Sue; one of which is pretty rare and seldom seen. I went through a few rolls of film snapping these and am currently waiting for the shop I use to re-open so I can get them developed - fingers crossed they come out alright..!! Keep your eyes open for articles featuring Owen & Sue’s Vespas in upcoming issues of the VVC JOURNAL.
Many thanks to Owen & Sue Evans ; )