CURVE 10 - Latest issue of SIP customer magazine just published


SIP Scootershop are proud to present the 10th edition of our customer bulletin "CURVE". We would like to share some highlights of the last few months here at SIP with our fellow customers. Including rallies, ride-outs, personalities and (of course) scooters! Alongside letting everybody know what inspired and fascinated us of late, this is also a more convenient way to inform customers about innovations in our shop and improvements to our service.

We release a new edition of "Curve" once or twice per year. One magazine is free-of-charge and will be available in our shop in Landsberg, as well as included in all parcels we ship out. If you need more, for your club, meeting, friends, you can buy them here for small amount. Enjoy the read!

Oh and before we forget, the reason for the name of our new publication is simple: The curves of a coastal road are infinitely preferable to the geometry of your common motorway! Apart from that who can forget the curves of the beautiful Vespa herself and the "Bella Donna" who inspired them?


Ralf Jodl
Geschäftsführer / CEO

SIP Scootershop GmbH
